I checked your URL and the problem is indeed an image lazy load issue.
What your lazyload system does is that on the server, before outputting the HTML, it replaces the src (where you have the URL of the image) with its generic blank.gif image and moves the real URL to a data-src attribute of the img tag:
Then, once the page is loaded, the javascript of the lazyload system will parse the page to find the img tags and replace the src attribute.
However, it seems that it doesn't do it for the img tags of the variants as they are hidden (they are used to replace the main ones dynamically when you change the selected variant.
So two things here:
- disabling the lazyload system will fix the problem. Maybe there is a setting in the lazyload system to change the way it works and also replace hidden img tags. I would recommend you to check with the support of that extension.
- It seems that all the variants have the same images. If that's the case for all your products, then you can just remove the HTML of the img tags of the variants and thus HikaShop won't replace the main images HTML when you change the selected variant, and thus it will circumvent the short comings of your lazy load system. You can do so by removing the code:
echo $this->loadTemplate();
in the file product / show.php via the menu Display>Views