1. By default the price and the name of the products are already displayed centered but the name is below the price.
On your website, I can see custom CSS added to the file
to move the price and names on the same row.
So first, you would have to remove that extra CSS from there:
You can see the CSS code I deactivated to get that.
Then, you can edit the file product / listing_img_title.php via the menu Display>Views and swap the price area and the name area as per the instructions here:
2. This looks like some custom coding on the view file of the layout used to display that product page. You would have to activate the "Display view files" setting as explained in the link given in my answer to point 1 to check with view file is used for the product layout.
Then, you can edit it via the menu Display>Views and search for the description display. It's likely to be product / show_default.php but it could be another one as it depends on how the "layout on product page" setting is configured in the product, in the category of the product and in the HikaShop configuration.
3. It actually appears in the description when you change the "taille" characteristic to "18-24 mois".
So either you've added that text only to the description of that one variant and not to the other variant, or the issue comes from the way the modal plugin process the tags and how the variant selector works.
So check the description of your variants. If you have the same thing on both (nothing at all, or the tag for both), then it's likely a problem between the way the modal plugin process the tags and how the variant selector works. In that case, edit the file product / show.php and remove the code:
<div id="hikashop_product_description_<?php echo $variant_name; ?>" style="display:none;"><?php
echo JHTML::_('content.prepare',preg_replace('#<hr *id="system-readmore" */>#i','',$variant->product_description));
and it should fix the problem.
4. Edit the related products module via the Joomla modules manager and activate the title display setting.