Turning off the "simplified breadcrumb" will indeed allow for the full category path to be in the breadcrumbs module.
It does that by adding an entry "category_pathway" parameter in the URL of the product page with the id of the category as value of that parameter.
However, I can see that you have the "force canonical URLs on listings" setting activated.
So if you already have canonical URLs on your products without that extra category_pathway parameter, then you won't get the category_pathway parameter added and thus it won't change anything.
So you'll have to empty the "canonical URL" parameter of your products so that the system can regenerate them with the category_pathway extra parameter, which will then allow for the breadcrumbs to display the category path.
Note that you can empty the canonical URL parameter of all your products at once with a mass action with an action "update the values" on the product_canonical column.