i think we need also to add code which you provide us earlier in show_block_img
on line 181 as it in v4.4.2
if($img->external && $img->req_width && $img->req_height)
before this code
$attr = $thumbnail_class.' title="'.$this->escape(@$image->file_description).'" onmouseover="return window.localPage.changeImage(' . 'this, \'hikashop_main_image'.$variant_name.'\', \''.$img->url.'\', '.$img->width.', '.$img->height.', \''.str_replace(array("'", '"'), array("\'", '"'),@$image->file_description).'\', \''.str_replace(array("'", '"'),array("\'", '"'),@$image->file_name).'\', '.$key.');"';
Because in this issue we use external image 1000x1000 and 400x400 in configuration. So if to set target.width = 400; target.height = 400; in changeImage function HK v4.4.2 New product page thumbnail feature work well.
But the changeImage function located only in two places in file = first on it definition and the second where it call.
so probably this fix is right.
a.hikashop_slide_next_active {
display: /*inline-*/block;
z-index: 999;
works to display arrows correct left/right sides in frontend_default.css
i mean - display: block; intead display: inline-block;
Also i noticed similar external image bug in backend while order display (it show actual size image but not resized)
but did not checked code yet.