In your shipping methods settings page, you have a setting "minimum price" and "maximum price". You can create a "free shipping" manual shipping method with a minimum price of 40€ and set 39.99 in the maximum price setting of your existing shipping methods. That way, on the checkout, the system will switch between the shipping methods based on the amount in the cart.
If you have configured "warehouses", then you have configured different shipping methods for different warehouses I suppose thanks to the "warehouse" setting of the shipping methods. So doing this min/max price mechanism will work per warehouse.
If you want to display that information to the user, you have several possibilities:
- you can add some text in your shipping methods description
- you could create a "text" view in your "checkout workflow" in the HikaShop configuration, to add your text
- you could combine the method above with the {hkshow mincart=xx}my text{/hkshow} content tag we've added to HikaShop 4.4.3 :