You should not worry about these.
The duplicate ids come from the owl carousel system which duplicates the quantity input fields when creating clones of the products for the carousel system:
While it's possible to avoid these warnings by turning off the looping of the carousel, it would solve anything:
- your carousel will be less smooth
- search engines still won't see duplicate elements as the raw HTML of the page doesn't have the clone elements for the smooth looping of the carousel
- it won't change anything for the speed of display of the page.
If you look at the "network" tab of the developer tool of your browser when looking at your pages, you'll see that most of the time spent displaying a page is spent waiting for the server to generate the HTML. To know exactly where it comes from, you need to activate the "debug" of the Joomla configuration and look at the bottom of the pages on your frontend. You'll get a break down of the different steps generating the page so you'll be able to better understand where the bottleneck is.
Also, while looking at your page, I noticed something strange:
On the 8 seconds it takes to display the page, while 3.8 seconds (the green area) is taken for the page generation, you have the first 3 seconds which are spent with your server redirecting from
and then back to
So you might have an issue at the web server level (the httpd.conf or the htaccess) which creates that 3 second redirect delay. If you could remove that problem you would save 40% of the total time spent, saving a lot of time.