Need help with product variations with multiple combinations

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3 years 7 months ago #334737

-- url of the page with the problem -- : NA
-- HikaShop version -- : 4.4.3
-- Joomla version -- : 3.9.22
-- PHP version -- : 7.4.11
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : mozzila latest
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : NA

Hey Everyone!

I have some kind of problem with listing products with variants
When I add characteristics, then go to variants, it offers me to add all variants of all combinations of characteristics
I'm sure that there is an option to avoid it...

What I'm looking for is to create a listing for custom product with 3 variants + 1 custom field (personalizaion text)

There will be
- 40 different sizes
- 30 different colors
- fonts options
- 1 custom text field

price will depend on size only.

Manually add all combinations for each size, color and font is gonna be really pain in the A... and I dont understand why I cant only set different prices for sizes, but colors and fonts will be all the same price..
and how would I add "custom text field" to the product? custom fields that added to address, is not an option at all.. it's really confusing and you can add only one "custom field per order", but in my case multiple custom fields will be needed for each product purchased...

Is there any capability to accomplish something like that using HIKA shop? or I need to look somewhere else?

Thanks in advance!

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3 years 7 months ago #334745


You can do that with HikaShop.
What you want to do is:
- have only one characteristic for the size selection. That way, you can create variants based on the size available for each product.
- create custom fields of the table "item" via the menu Display>Custom fields. These custom fields will display between the characteristic selector and the add to cart button on the product page. They won't change the price fo the product, and they can be dropdowns, input fields, file uploads, etc.
Note that custom fields of the table "item" are only available with the Business edition:

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3 years 7 months ago #334747

Anyway I could test it before purchase?
I tried to use your demo website, but it doesnt work
it says Warning
Copy failed: /web/administrator/components/com_hikashop/falang/hikashop_category.xml to /web/administrator/components/com_falang/contentelements/hikashop_category.xml

when I save that custom field
and even if that field created, and I even see it in the product specs on the back end
I still dont see it on front end

So, I'd like to see if it will work for my case, if it will even will work at all, before I pay for the "business" package... is it possible? may be you have something like additional "demo" template" where I could test it?
or do you offer anything like trial maybe?

Also, does business package include more payment plugins? I'm looking for square payments..
Or I need to purchase them separately?

Thank you

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3 years 7 months ago #334748


You can test it on our demo website yes.
The warning is because the "translatable" setting of the custom field has been activated.
Note however that as per what I said in my previous message, you should create custom fields of the table "item". Based on the warning message, you created a custom field of the table "category", so please double check.
Also, after you create the custom field, you need to edit it to set the display settings so that it is activated for the display on the frontend product page.
The Business edition doesn't include additional payment plugins. The Square payment plugin for HikaShop can be purchased on our marketplace here:

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3 years 7 months ago #334798

Okay, will I be able to receive a refund if your software wont work for me?

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3 years 7 months ago #334799

I'm still not able to figure out how it works... it's sooo complicated...
why is it even that complicated???
was it done on purpose?
you could just all those features on one page when youre creating product listing... and just pick an options you need...

can you create listing with features that I was looking for?

I tried to create a custom field for item and there is error again:
Copy failed: /web/administrator/components/com_hikashop/falang/hikashop_category.xml to /web/administrator/components/com_falang/contentelements/hikashop_category.xml

and yes, it for for "table : item" and not for category

also, there is no any mention about these field in the product details.... so I cant configure it


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3 years 7 months ago #334807


Yes, we have a 30 days money back policy :

You already have custom item fields configured on the demo website. You can see them on this page:
And you can check their settings in the backend Display>Custom fields menu.
The warning you get on the xml file is because the files are not writable on the demo website for security reasons (since you have access to the backend) and we have installed Falang on the website as it was necessary in the past to handle translations of content and we wanted to showcase that:
This warning doesn't prevent you from creating custom item fields, you can just ignore it.

I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to configure custom item fields on the demo website. It works fine as far as I can see. However, I can't create other fields for you to see as the website is reset every few hours to avoid users adding spam or configuring it differently from what we want to showcase on it.

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3 years 7 months ago #334825

So, I purchased business edition and everything exactly the same!
no option to add any custom field to the product...
what I did wrong?
why it doesnt work?

Just noticed that it shows up on the front end listing page... but it doesnt show up on the back end listing settings, so I cannot switch it on or off for particular item if needed...

in other words, it will show up and will be required for all products in my store, even if I dont want it to be required for some of them...

Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by denis467. Reason: update

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3 years 7 months ago #334830


Custom item fields are indeed not showing on the backend since their role is to allow the customer to enter things in them on the frontend.
If you want to enter things in custom fields on the product edit page so that they can be displayed on the frontend, you need to create custom fields of the table "product".

However, that doesn't mean that custom item fields have to display to all the products.
If you edit the custom item field via the menu Display>Custom fields, you can see a setting "categories" and a setting "products" so that you can restrict the field either to several categories or several products.

Also, one nice trick is to configure an unpublished category with the name of the custom item field and select that category in the "categories" setting of the custom field.
Then, in each product edit page, you can just add that unpublished category in the "categories" setting of the product so that the corresponding field will appear on the frontend for that product while it won't for the other products, without having to edit the custom field settings.

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3 years 7 months ago #334856

Thank you! I'll try it later today...

One more thing, is that I'm not able to get sales tax for only 1 sate - virginia

I created a tax zone for virginia, but it's still applying taxes for every address

Also, When I add variations, then add price in the "Price" field" it shows the price, but doesnt show price in the cart... instead, it says it's free
So, I added had to add "restriction" in every variation (one more pain in the back to go to every variation and do so many unnecessary actions)... and in that case, prices are shown in the cart, but prices are already include sales tax.... and then one more, the same sales tax is added on the total for any address you use...

Any advice on how to fix it?


Sales taxes work now... dont know what happened, but it work...I guess

Now I have one more question about "cart"
is there any way to make a "cart" link to make visible on all pages after product was added to cart?

Especially for mobile version...
even if I add product to my cart, I dont see any link to go to cart... so I need to go to menu and find a link "cart" that I created...
I dont think that customers will figure that out... they will just leave, because there is soo confusing...

Any ideas?

Thank you

Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by denis467. Reason: Update

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3 years 7 months ago #334858


Regarding the price of variants:
If you don't set any price in a variant, it will automatically use the prices of the main product. And if you see the word free for a variant in the cart, it probably means that neither the variant nor the main product has a price for the quantity of the product in the cart. I find it strange that you says that the price then displays in the cart when you add a restriction to the price of the variant. What restriction did you add ?
Now I would need a screenshot of the settings of the variant and a link to the product page on the frontend to be able to check the situation and say anything for sure.

Regarding a link to the cart, there are many ways :
- you could simply create a menu item of the type "hikashop cart" or "hikashop checkout".
- you could configure the HikaShop cart notification plugin to automatically redirect to the checkout after the product is added to the cart, or you could configure it to display a popup which will also include a button to access the checkout.
- you could configure the HikaShop cart module to be displayed on your pages and it also has an option to display a button to access the checkout

Last edit: 3 years 7 months ago by nicolas.

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