We can reply in French but in that case, please post your message in French in the French language section of our forum.
This part of the forum is in English and your message is in English, so I'll answer here in English.
What you want to do there is possible but not the way you did it.
First, you want to create 11 instances of the "HikaShop content module" via the Joomla module manager. And you'll want to configure each one to display 6 products ordered by "product_created" "descending", each one with its "main category" setting set to its corresponding category.
Then, you need to change the type of your menu item to a Joomla article.
In that Joomla article, you'll want to use Joomla's loadposition mechanism (
) in order to add to it these 11 modules.
That way, you'll get the 11 modules, one below the other, each one for a different main category, and each one displaying 6 products exactly.
And on top of that, you'll be able to activate the carousel setting in the modules to display each module with a carousel effect, which you can't do with a products listing menu item.