There are one quick solution for this specific needs some custom Css command, follow me step by step :
1. Have a look on this
to learn how to add some custom css command to your frontend file.
2. Create a page specific selector, in order to have a command css apply only where it's required.
Example :
.page_specific class .price_container_class {
display: none; // To hide it
3. In order to be able to create a good selector (with a high priority AND specificity) some advices :
.html_class_element {command: value}
.html_class_module .html_class_element {command: value}
.html_class_page .html_class_module .html_class_element {command: value}
.html_class_page .html_class_module .html_class_element {command: value !important;}
Note, that if
2 css commands have strictly the
same selector, then the
last written in the css file will be the one used.
Hope this will help you to achieve what you need.