In the settings of the "HikaShop product tag translation plugin" in the Joomla plugins manager, you have the setting "Order statuses for bought tag". There, it is entered "confirmed,shipped", which means that the text of these tags will appear only when the product is bought with an order with the status being either confirmed or shipped.
Now I looked at the order with the id 37355 but it has the status "Entregado", not shipped nor confirmed. So this order won't be taken into account. If you want it to be taken into account, you need to add ",status_1493891542_1653887860" to the "Order statuses for bought tag" setting of the plugin.
Now you didn't provide a frontend user account with an order so that we could try that solution oursevles. So you might have another problem, however, from what I could check the rest looks ok.