There are two things.
First, you need to edit your menu item via the Joomla menu manager. There, under the "products options" tab, you need to activate the "add to cart button" display setting.
After doing that, you'll see that you get an extra button for each product on that listing.
However, you'll see it's not "add to cart" but "choose options" because your products on that page all have a characteristic and characteristics can't be selected on the listing.
So either:
- you leave it like that, but the "product details" and "choose options" buttons are redundant so you probably want to turn off the display of one or the other.
- you remove the characteristic from each product and you duplicate the products. For example for the product "ZLS1-End Cap-50A-01(RIGHT)-(1 Required )" you have a characteristic for the color with three choices. So you would remove that color characteristic, and duplicate that product to have one product for each color.
- you remove the characteristic from each product and instead you create custom fields of the table "item" and of the type "single dropdown". That way, you can achieve the same selection dropdown as characteristics. However, if you activate the display of custom item fields in the settings of your menu item, you'll have the "add to cart" and the custom item field selector on the listing instead of the "choose options" button.
And regarding the quantity input field, you can have it appear on the listing with its corresponding display option in the same area under the "products options" tab of the menu item in the joomla menu manager.