Well, there are several options:
- install a SEF extension like SH404SEF. With it, you can specify the SEF URL you want for each page and you can do so regardless of your Joomla menu items structure, product codes, etc. It will bypass the problem.
- debug the issue in the router of HikaShop on your website. I can't just give you some code to apply because what I have on my end with the latest version is too different from what you have and it's more likely it would break the whole shop rather than fix anything. This will require a developer to look at it for several hours I suspect. I think it will make more sense to spend that time updating HikaShop
- don't use the product code in your product URLs for now and stick to the working URLs you were using so far, until you update HikaShop and the problem fix itself with that. In that case, you could use an extension like this to handle the redirection from the URL you want to use for the QR code to the URL that are used right now for the product page:
That way, when you update HikaShop in the future and don't have the issue anymore, you'll be able to turn off the extension and it will directly use the URLs with the format you want.