When you click on the add to cart button, the browser sends an AJAX request to the server, and based on the json data returned, it will refresh the cart module, display a notification popup, and/or redirect to the checkout. This problem here is that nothing is returned and thus nothing is done as it doesn't know what's going on.
If you look at the console of your browser while you click on the add to cart button, you can see this:
So the add to cart HTTP request to the server returns successfully (indicating that the add to cart has been done), but the response cannot be read back by the browser which leads to a ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED error.
Searching a bit online (
) this is indicative of an issue linked to gzip compression.
If you access the URL
you'll get the same thing as if you click on the add to cart button.
Normally, this should display in the browser some json data with information about the add to cart being successful.
However, nothing appears.
And if I check the network area, I can see that the request stays in "pending":
This means usually that the browser is waiting for the server to send back the data.
Looking a bit online about it, I found this page:
There is says that forcing the connection to close might help.
You can try by adding the line:
header('Connection: close');
after the line
public function updatecart() {
in the file components/com_hikashop/controllers/product.php
Also, it might be something linked to a PHP error. so checking the PHP error log of the server might be a good idea.