Order option on product overview is missing

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2 years 10 months ago #341563


I would like to create an extra page for my shop with a list of all products, from which the order can be carried out directly (= selection of the variant and quantity, then order), without having to first call up the respective product page.

For this I have created a menu link with the product category, in which all products are listed. Only here is the purchase option, although the corresponding items were selected in the menu setting. Conversely, the link to the respective product page is displayed, although this is not what I wanted.

In the file product / listing_list.php I only selected NAME and ADD TO CART AREA.

Is there anything else to add to this?

Greetings from Christian


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2 years 10 months ago #341567


Can you process a test with a default template (ProtoStar) ?
If that correct your link issue, then your root issue come from your override view, OR maybe your template (the latter case is unlikely).

If that change nothing, a little like previous we will need backend access (Url Link & backend user access) in our Contact us form.
Note : Don't forget to add an Url link to this topic.


Last edit: 2 years 10 months ago by Philip.

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2 years 10 months ago #341591


Unfortunately, a test with Protostar (protostarplus-eighteen - standard) did not result in any changes. I have sent you the access data.

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2 years 10 months ago #341604


your choose option button is your "add to cart" button, I detail my point :
- HikaShop displays by default an add to cart button unless your product has custom fields, options or variants that must be selected on the product page, then HikaShop will display a choose option.
- Now, the tricky point is that you have create an override in HikaShop language file on the "CHOOSE_OPTION", for "Produktinformationen"
=> Means that if you don't want have this button link, we see 2 solutions :
1. Switch off the "add to cart" button in your reltive Item Menu settings
2. Or use some custom css in order to hide it (via display: none;)

Hope this will help you to achieved what you need.

Last edit: 2 years 10 months ago by Philip.

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2 years 9 months ago #341636


sorry for expressing myself wrongly. My goal is to be able to trigger the order directly on this page without having to go to the product page first.

Background: We have specialist companies who want to place the orders quickly, the information about the products is already known here and therefore not relevant. If a large order is made, this is time-consuming, if you always have to go to the product page first, then back to the product overview, next product...

Can this shopping option be set for each product, including the selection of variants?

I made a graphic sample view for better explanation:

Greetings from Christian


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2 years 9 months ago #341642


Indeed, this is a very different story ! Now, by design it is not possible to add products WITH variants directly to the basket from a product listing.

BUT maybe there a solution, let's detail this, and pay attention to the counterparts that this implies.
If we understand you well, you have product WITH predefined variants, then why didn't you create specifics products without classic variant, but process like there are a preselected variant ?
1. Meaning, you will be 2 product listing AND 2 product categories :
a. in a product listing, product WITH variants => link to product page (regular classic categories)
b. Another product listing, with product WITHOUT variants => only add to cart button (new and specific category, only for this use)
=> Then, you reproduce a predefined variant in your product description, product title (or where you need to display it via some custom html & css)
2. Create your specific Item menu for your specific category, in Item Menu settings active the add to cart button AND remove the product link (Link to detail page => No).

BUT this solution means that you have 2 products for HikaShop :
- first classic with his variants
- second with no variants
=> 2 different stock management, if that's not an issue for you then this is your solution, else, you will have to custom development.

Hope this will allow you to progress on your subject.

Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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2 years 9 months ago #341652


Unfortunately, I can't quite follow the suggestion, which may also be due to the translation.

Here again for explanation:

1. Stock management is irrelevant for us, since we are manufacturers and therefore produce when required.
2. All products are created with at least 1 variant.
3. The variants are primarily shipping units, e.g. 12 x 1 litre, 2 x 5 litres, etc.
4. The most frequently ordered shipping unit is specified as the standard variant.
5. The customer must always be able to choose the variants (as is the case with the product in our ordering area.)

My thought of the implementation was that the order-code on the product page (show_tabular.php) could somehow simply be inserted into the product overview (listing_list.php)?!

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2 years 9 months ago #341655


Maybe, we can suggest an intermediate solution from a new HikaShop feature, let's detail this :
1. Have a look on this blog article
2. You can see that there are a new option in HikaShop to display in a popup the product page.
3. Now, you can use this feature AND with some custom Css in order to hide unrequired in the popup frame to have something that display only characteristics/options and other product configuration in this popup (with a smaller frame ?).
=> This kind of selector allow to target elements only in your product page popup :
html:not(root) body div#hikashop_product_left_part {
/* This command will make disappear product left part ONLY if this product page is displayed in an Iframe (popup) */
display: none;

From this example, hide non-required part, edit/modify required part in order to have a simple popup to define quickly product options and be able to add to cart WITHOUT going really in product page.
We are quite aware that this isn't exactly what you requested, but we think that this can be the most easy way to be close to your needs.

Hope this will help you to get something more close to your needs.

Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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2 years 9 months ago #341668


I think this solution would be great, but not only will the areas be locked in the Pup-UP, but also in the normal display. Is there something else going on in the code?

I also allowed myself the lower part of the product display with the code

html:not(root) body div#hikashop_product_bottom_part {
display: none;

off so that there is now very little in the pop-up product display.

Unfortunately, there are still other questions and a note:

Question: The X is displayed in the upper right corner of the popup so that the popup can be closed again. If an order is made via the pop-up with a small screen (smartphone), this area is overlaid with the X by the order display and is therefore not usable until it disappears (only smartphone display). Is it possible to insert this X for the popup termination in the lower part (copy of a code part in ?).

Question: "Product category" is always displayed in the browser display, even though I have set "Schnelleinkauf von MoellerStoneCare" in the browser page title in the menu setting. "product category" is the selected main category in the product options, but this text info is not desired in the browser display. How can I change that?

Question: As already pointed out, I made the overwrite "Produktinformation" as the product button. Product information is correct elsewhere for CHOOSE_OPTIONS, but here it should read e.g. "kaufen" (buy). I assume that CHOOSE_OPTIONS is the same for all list displays, but is it possible to permanently overwrite this button text only in the listing_list.php file?

Note: With my forum request
I have pointed out that the TAB display is not displayed correctly on smartphones, for example. This was resolved by you, but not in the pop-up view.
I don't need this display because I switched off this area, but it might be helpful for others to make the adjustment in the pop-up as well.

Many thanks for the support.

Greetings from Christian

Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by chli.

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2 years 9 months ago #341672


1. "The X is displayed in the upper right corner of the popup so that the popup...X for the popup termination in the lower part (copy of a code part in ?)."
Almost everything is possible via some custom Css, you can add something like this by example :

.vex-close:before {
    position: absolute !important;
    top: 605px !important;

2. "'Product category' is always displayed in the browser display, even though I have set "Schnelleinkauf von MoellerStoneCare" in the browser page title in...the browser display. How can I change that?"
You can fill in your relative category the Canonical URL in SEO part, if I understand you well, you want fill in with :

3. "As already pointed out, I made the overwrite "Produktinformation" as the product button...CHOOSE_OPTIONS is the same for all list displays, but is it possible to permanently overwrite this button text only in the listing_list.php file?"
We aren't sure to follow your idea, because first we aren't sure to understand the purpose, and maybe the different contexts ?
AND for us, you have make an override for CHOOSE_OPTIONS => "Produktinformation", while there is normally another key for translation for "Add to cart".
=> HikaShop will display on product listing a add to cart button for product that can be move in cart (because there no options, setting or variants), else it display the "choose options" button.
From this, we aren't sure to follow you... Sorry for this return.

Thanks for your information, we will analyze this subject.


Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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2 years 9 months ago #341790


Unfortunately I still have the problem with the given code

html:not(root) body div#hikashop_product_left_part {
/* This command will make disappear product left part ONLY if this product page is displayed in an Iframe (popup) */
display: none;

both the information on the product page AND in the popup are hidden. Note: I inserted the code into the Hika frontend_custom.css.


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2 years 9 months ago #341792


Indeed, I realize that I made a mistake in advising you of the "" selector.

We will change strategy, by default, you must have product page in only 2 different context:
- Product page
- Listing product

Then, follow my idea, first, we add a deliberately very general selector :

div#hikashop_product_left_part {
    display: block !important;
=> Will hide on all website page the left part of the product page.

AND in order to have your left part visible only in your product page (or where it's required) :
.hikashop_product_page div#hikashop_product_left_part {
    display: block !important;

Hope this will help you to achieved your needs and without side effect this time.

Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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2 years 9 months ago #341847


if I understand it correctly, I need the two codes:

div#hikashop_product_left_part { display: block !important; }

.hikashop_product_page div#hikashop_product_left_part { display: block !important; }

Paste into the front css? Was done by me, with the result that the product data is displayed again both in the popup and on the product page.

If only the 1st code is recorded, then the left side is not switched off either, as stated.

I would like to point out again that I inserted both codes into the front-css. If these need to be inserted somewhere else, please let me know.

I also tried the whole thing with the original code (switch off) in combination with Code2 (also Code 1+2+old code), unfortunately without success:

html:not(root) body div#hikashop_product_left_part {
/* This command will make disappear product left part ONLY if this product page is displayed in an Iframe (popup) */
display: none;
.hikashop_product_page div#hikashop_product_left_part { display: block !important; }


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2 years 9 months ago #341850


Yes, right another stupid mistake...
1. First part :

div#hikashop_product_left_part {
    display: none!important;
2. Second part :
.hikashop_product_page div#hikashop_product_left_part {
    display: block !important;
It would have been long for you to get the right code...
Sorry for this !


Last edit: 2 years 9 months ago by Philip.

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2 years 9 months ago #341869


Thank you for your patience and support.

Did this solve the problem for you? Not at my place.

Code 1:
div#hikashop_product_left_part {
display: none!important;
CORRECT: The left part disappears in the popup and also on the product page.

Code 2:
.hikashop_product_page div#hikashop_product_left_part {
display: block !important;
WRONG: The left part is now displayed again in the popup and on the product page.

I suspect that both the popup and the product page use the css hikashop_product_page. So both use the same css property and are both then reactivated with code 2?

I took a closer look at the popup page and found the div “contentpane” in the popup, which completely “encloses” the popup. With the help of your code I found the solution:

.contentpane div#hikashop_product_left_part {
display: none!important;

The hikashop_product_left_part area is only switched off in the div "contentpane", which then only affects the popup.


Greetings from Christian

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2 years 9 months ago #341881


I still had unanswered questions for which I found the solution and would like to make a note here for other users:

problem 1
"Product category" is always displayed in the browser display
Solution: To do this, the marked selection must be set to yes in the respective menu setting.

problem 2
Overwrite button text: The button label for calling up the product in the product list is consistent in Hika.
Solution: I used the following code so that a different text is displayed in the button in a different product overview.

visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
CSSBUTTON::after {
visibility: visible;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
content: "NEW_CONTENT";

I did NOT insert this code into the frontend css (otherwise all buttons would have this different text), but directly into the respective .php in which the different text is to be used. CSSBUTTON is the css specification of the button, but in the 2nd part of the code all the basic settings of the button must be included so that it is displayed like all other buttons on the website.

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