dual prices

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2 years 7 months ago #343799

-- HikaShop version -- : 4.5.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.10.10
-- PHP version -- : 7.4

Hi, how to display, on products, dual prices, like price in $ and EURO, but, customers can only select a price in $, euro display only as comparative price?

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2 years 7 months ago #343801


If you enter only the price in EUR in your products, and then in the "main currency" of the shop you select $ and you don't enable the "HikaShop currency switcher" module, if you have the "Show price in original currency" setting activated in the HikaShop configuration (should be on by default), you'll have both prices on the product page and the price used with be in $.
However, this means that you can't directly set a price in the $ currency in your products and only rely on the automatic currency rate conversion to get it from the EUR price for all the products.

If you want to set both prices for each product manually, then that won't work.
In that case, I would recommend to set the $ price as a normal price of the product and the EUR price in the "retail price" field of the product. Then, you can use translation overrides to change the texts "common price" and "our price" on the product page to "EUR price" and "$ price" or something similar and have only the $ currency published and the main currency of the shop.

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2 years 6 months ago #343991


...If you enter only the price in EUR in your products...
I already have entered all prices in $. There are about 1000 products.
If I understand correctly, to work (dual prices), I need to enter all prices in € and delete all $
only rely on the automatic currency rate conversion
Where can I enter currency rate conversion?

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2 years 6 months ago #343994


You can set the currency rate by editing your currencies in the menu System>Currencies.
If your main currency is $, then you want to edit the EUR currency to set the rate in there.

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2 years 6 months ago #344008

I have edited all and now in front, I have dual prices.
The problem is when the user enters the product and adds it to the basket, the prices and the final price is in €, not in $
Can't figure out how to have dual prices and checkout and final prices to be in $
Thank you for your help.

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2 years 6 months ago #344032


Did you set the main currency as "$" in the HikaShop configuration ?
Also, make sure the $ currency has its "published" and "displayed" states enabled on the currencies listing in the backend and that the EUR currency only has the "displayed" state enabled.

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2 years 6 months ago #344077

>>Did you set the main currency as "$" in the HikaShop configuration ?

>>Also, make sure the $ currency has its "published" and "displayed" states enabled on the currencies listing in the backend and that the EUR >>currency only has the "displayed" state enabled.
It was not before, but, now it is and still sees only $ prices in fronted, without €.

Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by komir.

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2 years 6 months ago #344082


I don't see how that's possible.
There must be something else I'm missing.
Please provide a backend access and instructions to reproduce the issue via our contact form so that we can have a look at the situation and your settings:

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2 years 6 months ago #344091

I send you an email.
Thank you

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2 years 6 months ago #344118


You didn't configure the product prices in EUR as I had explained.
I've done it for one product:
And you can see you now have the price in both EUR and HRK on the frontend:
And on the checkout, you only have the HRK price.

So you just need to update the prices like I did for this product.

Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by nicolas.

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2 years 6 months ago #344126

Yes, now it is working. This is something I need but it is very difficult to adopt all prices, I have around 1500 products, and ok I can edit them manually, but is there any way to add euros in bulk for more products?

After we migrate to € completely, I only disable HRK, and make € as the main currency, is that right?

What bothers me, by the Croatian law, is that I should also have the final price on the account expressed in € and HRK and now on the final invoice, I have only HRK. Is it possible to display €, as info price, also?
Thank you

Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by komir.

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2 years 6 months ago #344127


1. You could update all the prices at once with a mass action with two actions:
- one "update the values" on price_value with the mode "operation" and the value: {price.price_value}*xx
where xx is the rate to convert your HRK prices to EUR prices
- one "update the values" on price_currency_id with the mode "int" and the value being the id of the EUR currency in System>Currencies.

Note that you also need to change the 500 value in the limitation area to 2000 for example as otherwise it will only process the first 500 products.

2. And yes, the day you'll switch to selling in EUR, it will be easy as you'll already have the prices in EUR. You'll just have to change the main currency to EUR.

3. Having the total also displayed in EUR in the checkout and in the invoice would require some custom development to do the calculation with a bit of PHP code in each view file.

Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by nicolas.

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2 years 6 months ago #344134

3. Having the total also displayed in EUR in the checkout and in the invoice would require some custom development to do the calculation with a bit of PHP code in each view file.
Can I get such customisation from you?

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2 years 6 months ago #344137


Please go through our contact form to discuss the specifics:
Also, please note that we already have our schedule full for a whole week so it will be at the beginning of September.

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2 years 6 months ago #344275

nicolas wrote: Hi,

You didn't configure the product prices in EUR as I had explained.
I've done it for one product:
And you can see you now have the price in both EUR and HRK on the frontend:
And on the checkout, you only have the HRK price.

So you just need to update the prices like I did for this product.

Don't know why prices are displayed without TAX 25% see www.brillbird.com.hr/shop/brillbird-kate...ilni-prah-p-7-crvena
and in shop configuration, I have with and without tax, please, see attached image


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2 years 6 months ago #344276

The price with TAX is 67 HRK but in fronted, it is displayed price is without tax 53,60 HRK
Euro price is ok it is displayed with tax

Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by komir.

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2 years 6 months ago #344362


I don't see the problem on your website.
8.89€ is 66.88 HRK and that's what I see on the product page:

Note however that if you're logged in with a user account with a billing address not in Croatia, then the tax rule you configured won't apply to you and thus you'll see the prices without taxes.

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2 years 2 months ago #347822

2. And yes, the day you'll switch to selling in EUR, it will be easy as you'll already have the prices in EUR. You'll just have to change the main currency to EUR.

Hi after 31.12. 2022 I will switch currency to EURO.
How can have HRK displayed as informative price?
Now have EUR as informative price.

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2 years 2 months ago #347825


If you have EUR as informative price, it means that you've configured the main currency of your shop as HRK and the prices in each product use the EUR currency.

So to reverse it, you need to do two things:
- Create a mass action with one action "update the values" on the price_currency_id column with the mode "int" and as value the id of the HRK currency from the System>Currencies menu, and with a secon action "update the values" on the price_value column with the mode "operation" and the value

(where XXX is to be replaced by the conversion rate from EUR to HRK ) and then run the mass action to process the price of all the products at once.
Note that the "limitation" area has the value 500 so that it will only process the first 500 products. If you have more products/variants, you want to increase that value. However, if you increase it too much and you have too much products/variants, based on your server configuration, the process might crash in the middle. So before you do it on your live website, I would recommend doing it on a copy to make sure it works fine on the day you make the change.
- Once you've run the mass action, you can go in the HikaShop configuration and change the main currency setting to EUR.
To check the result, you will need to clear your browser's cookies and cache.

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