Checkbox in product page in Option/Characteristics

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2 years 1 month ago #348523

-- url of the page with the problem -- : localhost
-- HikaShop version -- : 4.7.0
-- Joomla version -- : 4
-- PHP version -- : 8
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : No error

Hello, I have Joomla 4 and Hika Business 4.7.0. I need to have in my products option to choose 1 or more/all variants . I need checkbox not list or radio because these don't offer me this option, to choose more. How can i have these checkbox? Thanks

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2 years 1 month ago #348526


The variants/characteristics can't be displayed as checkbox. That's because it is conceptually impossible. The goal of the characteristics/variants system is to adapt the stock/price/image/description/etc of the product based on the variant selected as you can configure each variant independently. If we were to allow you to select several variants at the same time, the system wouldn't which variant to use for the display and which variant to add to the cart.

There are actually two ways to display checkboxes on the product page.
- You can create a custom field of the table "item" and of the type "checkbox". You can enter a value for each choice and voilà. Now, regardless of what is chosen in the custom field, the price of the product won't change.
- You can also create two products : one with the characteristics/variants and the different prices, etc, and one main product where you add the first product in the "options" area (below the characteristics area on the product edit form). Then, you can set the "product selection method" to "checkbox" in the HikaShop configuration and it will display the option choices as checkboxes. In that case, each variant selected will be added to the cart when the main product is added to the cart. And you can use the "group options with product" in the HikaShop configuration to group them together or not in the cart.

Last edit: 2 years 1 month ago by nicolas.

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2 years 1 month ago #348533

I understand but it is to much complicated for clients and to administrate.

So it is impossible to have checkbox, even if will be custom paid project?
I love Hika with this option will become the best shop extension.

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2 years 1 month ago #348546


Custom item fields are quite simple to administrate.
Could you explain your use case and needs ?

It's always possible to have a custom development, but before that, we need to understand the situation and the challenge you have precisely. First, maybe there is a solution without any development, and if not, it's still important to understand the best way to achieve what you need.

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2 years 1 month ago #348556


In my product with name Shirt i need from options to have checkbox to choose more than one.
Ideal is this:
The ex J2store

If it is not possible, then i need to be more simple in administrator HikaShop Product Shirt, here to choose option like color, choose varants and here i will choose as option selector.
My problem now is this:

Color: red, blue, gray
I want to choose red to add prince 10e, blue 12e, gray 14e

In HikaShop i need to choose my options, here it is ok, now in varants i need to choose this 2options, but is to complicated because for option 1 i have price X for option 2 i have price Y. Problem is this
I need to add price, in J2store, i choose color red and i add price, color blue and i add price . In HikaShop, i will have red+blue=price... red+red=price.. etc

Let me know if you understand.

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2 years 1 month ago #348563


Here is how you can do it:
- create an unpublished category
- in that category, create two products: option 1 and option 2
- in the option 1 product, select the characteristic Montaj... and add the variants for it. Enter the price for each variant.
- in the option 2 product, select the characteristic Snec... and add the variants for it. Enter the price for each variant.
- in your main product, add both option 1 and option 2 products in the "options" area.

That way, you don't have to calculate the global price for each combination. HikaShop will calculate it automatically based on what the user selects in the options. It's the same as what you can see here:
Now, you can see that we use dropdowns there, but you can also have checkboxes if you want with the "product selection method" setting in the HikaShop configuration, as I was saying previously.

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2 years 1 month ago #348569


I understand.
But is not any change for custom modifications to have those checkbox like in link sent?
I understand that i need to have 1product/option and 1main product, in this case, if i have 3 options, i will have 4 products .

What i need is when i choose in product - option, choose varants and here if i have 3varants, i want to have only 3 varants not like now (as i described earlier). Something simple: Choose Option 1 and Option 2- Choose varant and price for each varant, not combination of both.

This it is impossible, correct?

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2 years 1 month ago #348570

If i will make as you recommend, is not bad for seo as duplicated url?

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2 years 1 month ago #348573


Having checkboxes instead of dropdowns doesn't require any coding with "options". As I said, it's just about changing a setting.

You can have one option product with several variants which will generate several checkboxes, or several option products with one variant each which will also generate several checkboxes, or a combination of both.

So, no, this is not impossible. It is possible, but not with characteristics, with options.

There will be no problem with SEO.

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2 years 1 month ago #348583

Thank you

Regarding this:
Here is how you can do it:
- create an unpublished category
- in that category, create two products: option 1 and option 2
- in the option 1 product, select the characteristic Montaj... and add the variants for it. Enter the price for each variant.
- in the option 2 product, select the characteristic Snec... and add the variants for it. Enter the price for each variant.
- in your main product, add both option 1 and option 2 products in the "options" area.

I need to make just one category for all products, not product and category
And i will use options not Characteristics

If i will have 10 products with the same options, can i use the same options from product 1? Or i need to have 1main product with 2 products that i want to use them into the main?

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2 years 1 month ago #348584

For Options, where i can i add price?

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2 years 1 month ago #348588


You can use the same option(s) for different products, yes.

Basically, an option is a product you add to another product.
If the "sub-product" doesn't have variants, then the option will display as a yes/no choice. In that case, you can set the price in that sub product and it will apply to the main product only when "yes" is selected.
If the "sub product" has variants, then the option will display one choice per variant. In that case, you can set the price in each variant of the sub product. And if you've configured the checkbox mode, each variant will have its checkbox, and when the checkbox will be checked the price of the variant will be added to the main product.

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2 years 1 month ago #348617

Thank you,

Can you tell me please what i did wrong, why i don't have price for option?

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2 years 1 month ago #348618


You should leave the "retail price" setting empty.

You need to click on the "+" icon and then enter the price in the form which will appear below. Then, before saving the prodduct, you need to click on the "ok" button of the price form to validate the price.
You don't see the price after you save the product because you didn't click on the "ok" button of the price form.

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2 years 1 month ago #348652

Thank you,
Got it

How to make from this 16.500,00 € to 16.500 € ?
I open Currency -euro but i don't see where.

Thank you

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2 years 1 month ago #348656


It's indeed in the currency settings that you can set that up. If you don't want decimals, you can set the "International fractional digits" and "Local fractional digits" settings to 0 instead of 2.
Note that it will remove the decimals from everywhere. So if you need decimals for taxes or discounts, you need to keep decimals for all the prices.

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2 years 1 month ago #348676

Thank you so much.

I think this will be latest question:

I see many websites on Hika where you can choose an option and image and description will change

i have my product with options A B C

I choose A, and main image will load another image with another text with price
and will work like normal option in cart
price main product+price option

If yes, how can i make this?

Until now i succed with my questions and your answers

Thank you

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2 years 1 month ago #348679


We think that you will in our documentation, all your answer (and many more), for your needs you have to read the Product options and characteristics tutorial, and more especially here .

Each created variant will have his own setting form, let everything empty, main product settings will be used in your variant.
Change Image in variant form, and when your customer will select this variant, the image will be switched for variant image.
And it is the same idea for everything, name, price, weight etc...

Hope this will helps.

Last edit: 2 years 1 month ago by Philip.

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2 years 1 month ago #348722

Thank you.

I understand and i succed but is not working as i need it.
it is impossible to make the same with options?
For variants i need to make
Option1: yes/No
Option 2: yes/no

and i need to have one image for option1 YES, another image for YES from Option 2 etc
and now with Hika and variants, in admin part i have
Option1 +Option2 YES YES
grouped, and i need to be like options, single. And in this case i will have 1image for option 1and 2 YE S YES, and i need different images for them.

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2 years 1 month ago #348724


You can either have
- characteristics ( ) added to your product, and in that case, you can have different images for different variants (combination of values). Also, when you select a variant with the characteristics, it replaces the price of the product with the price of the variant.
- options ( ) added to your product, and in that case, the price of the selected option is added to the price of the product, and there is no change with the images of the main product when options are selected/unselected.
- you can use characteristics and options for the same product. But even if you do so, each one will have its own behavior.

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