Select Characteristic from product listing page

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  • Hikamarket Multivendor Hikashop Business
1 year 9 months ago #352186


I hope you can assist, we use Hikashop to sell online courses.
To enroll the individuals into the correct groups within the course in Moodle we use Joomdle's plugin that links a specific characteristic to a user group in the course. (Just some background)

For a specific course I would for instance have two characteristics, for example (CPD and Extra Exam)

I would like to use the product listing page to display the courses.
Option 1: On the product listing page only display the first variant (CPD in this example) once a person has registered for that variant Hikashop adds them to a usergroup " Course 1 - CPD", if the person then goes back to the product listing page it should no longer display the first variant but must now display the second variant (Extra Exam in this example) (This would be first price, basically I want to set it up that Variant 2 is depend on variant 1 being purchased previously)

Option 2: Instead of displaying the "Choose options" button allow the person to select the option from the product listing page and click add to cart.


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1 year 9 months ago #352190


1. You could use the "access level" of the second product so that it only appears if the user is in a specific user group. And then, you can use the "user group after purchase" setting of the first product to add the user to this same user group after the purchase of the first product. Now, the first product would still appear on the listing.

2. How about using the "popup mode" setting of your listing:
That way, while you're on the listing, you can click on the choose options button, it will open a popup with the characteristics selection and add to cart button inside, and then when you close the popup, you're still on the listing.

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  • Posts: 104
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  • Hikamarket Multivendor Hikashop Business
1 year 9 months ago #352208

Hi Nicolas

Thank you for the prompt response like always.

1. I have managed to get it so that Characteristic 1 displays only and then once they have been added to the group characteristic 2 displays, is there a way to set it so that Characteristic 1 only displays if not in group 1, so that only one characteristic displays at any given time.

2. could work as an option for allowing selection of the characteristic.

I have creates a product view for this popup which basically has everything stripper away with only the Price, Characteristic and Add to cart button that remains.

Is it at all possible to copy the code from this view, into the "Image Title" view override so that it displays the characteristic selector, characteristic price and characteristic add to cart button in the "Image Title"


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1 year 9 months ago #352210


1. I'm not sure what you mean. Could you illustrate what you're saying ?

2. That's not possible. The data used by the code of the product details view is not available on the listing view files.

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  • Posts: 104
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  • Hikamarket Multivendor Hikashop Business
1 year 9 months ago #352247

1. Basically what I am trying to find out is. Hikashop is capable of displaying a characteristic based on user group, is it also capable of hiding a characteristic based on user group.
If I have two characteristics is it possible to set it up as follows
Characteristic 1 = Display on user NOT in group 1
Characteristic 2 = Display on user in group 1 but NOT in group 2

2. That is unfortunate.
Is there absolutely no way to pull the info from the product page view into the listing view.
If Hikashop is capable of displaying the "Characteristic available values" on the listing page is there no way to modify this code to display the actual characteristic selector.


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1 year 9 months ago #352249


1. I don't see a way to do that. At least not with the options available. With some custom coding, it would be possible.

2. There is always a way. However, the system hasn't been made for that. It would require complex and long development.

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