-- HikaShop version -- : 4.7.5
-- Joomla version -- : 4.3.3
I want to exclude one category from top category listing, just hide the category.
I use HK Essential version (without ACL).
I think can be done by CSS class addition "xxxx-category_id" in the category listing page
I did my modification (override) in "category / listing_div.php file
add in class of the category:
hk_etl_category_id_<?php echo $this->row->category_id ?>
line 198 of the php file become
<div class="hkc-md-<?php echo (int)$span; ?> hikashop_category hk_etl_category_id_<?php echo $this->row->category_id ?> hikashop_category_column_<?php echo $current_column; ?> hikashop_category_row_<?php echo $current_row.$class; ?>">
Seems OK (no error, and i have id's)
but the first category have no category_id
We found the category_id of the first category in second category (second line)
We found the category_id of the second category in third category (third line)
See screen shot
Can you help me.
If you have another trick.