There is no option for that.
However, there are two ways to can acheive that:
- you could enter the text you want (like "Colour Red Size XL") as "name" of each variant, by editing them one by one in each product edit page. If you have only a handful of products, it could be a solution.
- you can change the line:
$variant->characteristics_text .= $separator . $char_value;
$characteristicClass = hikashop_get('class.characteristic');
$parent = $characteristicClass->get($val->characteristic_parent_id);
$variant->characteristics_text .= $separator . $parent->characteristic_value. $separator . $char_value;
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/product.php
Note that if you do it like that, you'll loose that change after each update of HikaShop. A cleaner solution would be to override the product class and redefine the whole checkVariant function with that modification above in it:
That way, you wouldn't loose the change after each update. The drawback is that this requires a bit of developer skills.