1. Create menu item for checkout (so url should be domain.com/checkout). Assign some modules to that menu item.
Open product. Click on Add to cart HTML link button. You get this code:
<a class="hikashop_html_add_to_cart_link" href="https://domain.com/index.php?option=com_hikashop&ctrl=product&task=updatecart&quantity=1&cid=1587&Itemid=102">
Add to cart </a>
Paste this code to Joomla article. Open this article and click on add to cart link.
You get directly to checkout, without popup, and url is
so assigned modules not showing.
This message contains confidential information
2. I already use the Hikashop Cart notification Plugin. I use popup Display location. It works on "regular" Add to cart button. But it not working on Add to cart HTML link.