Yes. You have two ways:
1. Change your homepage menu item to the proionta menu item, and Joomla won't add the alias of the menu item in the URL. Then, toggle the "simplified breadcrumbs" setting of the HikaShop configuration, and HikaShop won't add the category_pathway parameter.
Finally, turn on the "remove categories and products ids from URLs" in the Hikashop configuration and you'll end up with the second URL.
2. Install a SEF extension like 4SEF and you'll be able to have any URL you want for any page.
With the first method, you have to structure your website in a way that matches with the URLs as that's how the Joomla routing system is able to understand which element of the website needs to display which page.
With the second method, 4SEF has a table of correspondance between the pages and the URLs so that it will make the conversion, regardless of the structure of the menu items, etc.