You can either:
- set the stock of these non-buyable products to 0
- set the sale end date of these non-buyable products to the past
- set the sale start date of these non-buyable products to the far futur
This way, instead of displaying the add to cart button, you'll have a text like "no stock" or "not on sale anymore" which you can customize with a translation override:
And then, if you want to add a button "you can ask for a price quote", there are two ways I can see:
- you could setup a contact page with the Joomla contact component, or with a menu item of the type HikaShop contact page, and then add a link to that page in the translation override I was talking about above since you can have HTML in there.
- you could set the "Display a contact button on the product page" setting of the HikaShop configuration to "On a per product basis". Then, in the non-buyable products, you can activate the "Contact button" setting.