I tried to make an off-canvas sibebar cart displayed after clicking on add to cart button like here
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but I did nothing good.
An attempt with bootsrap off-canvas seems not achievable with my level of coding as I have to retrieve all the informations to buid a cart in an off-canvas div. I tried by copying the code from the cart.php but of course it didn't work.
I tried to modify the dropdown minicart so that it slides from the top right and after try to find a solution to active that dropdown from the add to cart button. But stucked at step 1 as I don't understand how the css of the dropdown is created and I can't override it. And the button step seems complicated too. I've seen someone posting on another thread but I didn't understand as my javascript is close to 0.
Ialso tried a javascript off-canvas with an include 'show.php' but of course it doesn't work.
All I have achieved is a pop-up cart page but it appears like an entire window with browser top bar. and I have no idea how I would do two events onclick so that it adds the product to the cart and then open the modal.
So, is there some kind of solution or a module to buy?