nicolas wrote: Hi,
In your menu item, under the "products options" tab you have an option "sub elements filter". If you set it to "all sub elements", then on any given listing page of that menu item, the system will take into account not only the products directly linked to the current category, but also the products directly linked to the children categories of the current category. In your case, you want to set this setting to "direct sub elements". That way, it will only take into account the products directly linked to the current category. And if you're on the main category page, with sub categories displayed, it won't display any product if they are only linked to the sub categories.
Hello. Thank you for this response. I'm finally able to get to this task again today, but don't understand where to find the initial request.
"In your item menu?" Item being product? Is this under the Hikashop component? I just can't find any of this.