thank you reply,
i want override this file:
So i created override file on template on this path:
(also i created on "SITE/templates/cassiopeia/html/com_hikashop/controllers/user.override.php" path too for testing.)
by this code:
class userControllerOverride extends userController
public function form()
$user = JFactory::getUser();
// Allow users in group ID 15 to access the form
$allowedGroupId = 15;
if ($user->guest || in_array($allowedGroupId, $user->getAuthorisedGroups())) {
hikaInput::get()->set('layout', 'form');
return $this->display();
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$config = hikashop_config();
$url = $config->get('redirect_url_when_registration_form_access_while_already_logged', '');
if(empty($url)) {
global $Itemid;
$url = hikashop_completeLink('user&task=cpanel'.$url_itemid, false, true);
} else {
$url = hikashop_cleanURL($url);
return false;
but not affect!!