Hi, Jerome!
Jerome wrote: You do not have any status for "invoices".
That is the content of my question.
I understand clearly that if I turn on statuses for invoices that will be created number and date of invoices and then the stats will work.
But I don't use invoices. All I have is the orders. This is quite enough for our domestic sales.
By the way, I think there is a bug in \administrator\components\com_hikashop\classes\statistics.php
It's the reason of the wrong stats for current orders.
case 'this.week':
$ret['start'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now[0], $now[1], $now[2]) - (date('N')-1)*24*3600 + $this->timeoffset;
$ret['end'] = mktime(23, 59, 59, $now[0], $now[1], $now[2]) + $this->timeoffset;
case 'this.day':
$ret['start'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now[0], $now[1], $now[2]) - (date('N')-1)*24*3600 + $this->timeoffset;
$ret['end'] = mktime(23, 59, 59, $now[0], $now[1], $now[2]) + $this->timeoffset;
The code for 'this.day' is equal the code for 'this.week'.
I think for 'this.day' need like it:
case 'this.day':
$ret['start'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $now[0], $now[1], $now[2]) + $this->timeoffset;
$ret['end'] = mktime(23, 59, 59, $now[0], $now[1], $now[2]) + $this->timeoffset;
Best regards