Thanks for your reply.
HikaMarket, I agree does not sound useful to me.
Please let me explain a bit about how my shop works. I am the ONLY person who edits, enters, & updates product listings. My distributor, Handley House does not interact with my web site at all. With my retail license, I have accounts set up with Handley house, Alessio's, and Majestic Masions. All 3 of these companies are in different US states. All three of them offer to drop ship orders for me. I have downloaded inventory lists from each company, as well as their images. I then format them and upload them to my HikaShop. If someone places an order on my website, I then have to turn around and place an order with the company, and have the items drop shipped. A forth company McGhee's Miniature, are items that I hand make myself, and so would ship from my location.
The other 3 companies have their own shipping set up their own way. I need to figure out a way to take orders from my site, figure the shipping to charge, and then place the orders with the other companies. So for each company I will ask which service they use, and what methods (cheapest, priority, ect) they offer. Then I also pay a $5 fee to have items drop shipped.
I have set up each company under a 'Brand' as well as a "Warehouse.' I think I need to set up my shipping using 'Brands' or 'Warehouses' but I am not sure how to do this. You mentioned the "product_manufacturer_id" value. I placed that column in my import sheet, with the names of the companies for each item in a test file. I imported this .csv file, and under Categories, I get a category named product_manufacturer_id. However, there are no values in that category.
My categories I set up by creating them in HikaShop, and then placing the category number listed in HikaShop in the "categories" column of my csv file. I do not see a way to create manufacturers on the back end like I did for categories.
I also still have the issue of the product dimensions. My buyer will want to see the dimensions of the fully assembled product. These dimensions are very different from the shipping dimensions. I there a way to show the assembled dimensions to the customer, but have the shipping use a different set of dimensions?