1. Thanks for your feedback, I just fixed it through the last UPS version, to fix it you'll just have to edit the "ups.php" file of you UPS shipping plugin, and change the lines :
if(isset($rate->shipping_params->show_eta) && $rate->shipping_params->show_eta){
if($method['delivery_day'] != -1)
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= ' '.JText::sprintf('ESTIMATED_TIME_AFTER_SEND', $method['delivery_day']);
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= ' '.JText::_('NO_ESTIMATED_TIME_AFTER_SEND');
if($method['delivery_time'] != -1)
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= '<br/>'.JText::sprintf('DELIVERY_HOUR', $method['delivery_time']);
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= '<br/>'.JText::_('NO_DELIVERY_HOUR');
By :
if(isset($rate->shipping_params->show_eta) && $rate->shipping_params->show_eta){
if(!empty($method['delivery_day']) && $method['delivery_day'] != -1)
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= ' '.JText::sprintf('ESTIMATED_TIME_AFTER_SEND', $method['delivery_day']);
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= ' '.JText::_('NO_ESTIMATED_TIME_AFTER_SEND');
if(!empty($method['delivery_time']) && $method['delivery_time'] != -1)
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= '<br/>'.JText::sprintf('DELIVERY_HOUR', $method['delivery_time']);
$new_usable_rates[$i]->shipping_description .= '<br/>'.JText::_('NO_DELIVERY_HOUR');
Also, if you want to change the "" message by "By End of Day", you'll just have to change the translation of the "NO_DELIVERY_HOUR" word through you Hikashop translation file via "Hikashop->System->Configuration->Languages".
2. If it's not displayed for the UPS ground, that means that the UPS platform doesn't return that information, I just tested it on my end, and no information about the delivery day/time were sent.
3. To do that you'll have to directly edit the code of the UPS plugin, I just added it on our TODO list.
4. That's because the UPS platform NEEDS the product dimensions to return the correct rates, you won't be able to use UPS without your product dimensions.
5. It will display the number of package only if you have set the "Group packages" option to YES through your UPS shipping configuration page.