the problem is that the 'override' function doesn't work properly. I have an option to choose shipping way, where shipping address differs from the customer's address. This new shipping address should be choosen in i-frame, out of given pick-up points. And at this moment Override has to work, saving a new shipping address. But actually Override is working already when i choose a shipping way, saving nothing (because new shipping address is not choosen yet) As a result - NO shipping address at all on server.
here is the script:
<div id="hikashop_checkout_address_right_part" class="hikashop_checkout_address_right_part<?php if(HIKASHOP_RESPONSIVE){ echo ' '.HK_GRID_COL_6;} ?>">
<fieldset class="hika_address_field" id="hikashop_checkout_shipping_address">
<legend><?php echo JText::_('HIKASHOP_SHIPPING_ADDRESS'); ?></legend>
$checked = '';
$style = '';
$override = false;
foreach($this->currentShipping as $selectedMethod){
if(!empty($selectedMethod) && method_exists($selectedMethod, 'getShippingAddress')) {
$override = $selectedMethod->getShippingAddress();
if(!empty($override)) {
?> <span class="hikashop_checkout_shipping_address_info">
<a href="#" onclick="boxberry.open(callback_function); return false;">Выбрать пункт выдачи заказа на карте</a>
<p id="js-pricedelivery" type="text" readonly="" value="" style="display: none;"></p>
echo $override;?>