The problem is that the regex on the custom address fields are not handled properly for the address edition when using the another address selector than the popup one, which is the case on your website.
Add the code:
function check(&$field,&$value,$oldvalue){
$status = parent::check($field,$value,$oldvalue);
if($status && $field->field_required && !empty($field->field_options['regex'])){
$status = false;
if(!empty($this->report)) {
$message = $this->trans($field->field_options['errormessage']);
$message = JText::sprintf('PLEASE_FILL_THE_FIELD', $this->trans($field->field_realname));
if($this->report === true) {
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$app->enqueueMessage($message, 'error');
} else {
$this->parent->messages[] = array(
return $status;
after the code:
class hikashopText extends hikashopItem {
var $type = 'text';
var $class = 'inputbox';
in the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/field.php and that should fix the problem.