It would be very helpful if they did a tutorial on how to do what is indicated in this paragraph, since many want to create sub-sub zones, in my case is to activate the option of payment against delivery in my city and the rest of the country that Only show a payment with paypal. Another faster option would be to create a more linked address by default in the installation of hikashop as well as this address_country or addres_state that also put an address_citycity for example, to be able to use the latter for sub-sub zones that the administrator wants to add.
The system only handle the address_state and address_country fields. And it only handles zones of the type state and country.
If you want shipping methods to be linked to substates there is only one option if you don't want to code: deactivate all the countries and modify the types of the states of your country to be countries and modify the type of the substates to be states.
That however will mean that you'll only be able to create addresses for your country in your checkout.
If you need to ship to other countries too, then you would have to code a new shipping plugin to handle the address_city field value and keep your zones setup like you did, and also modify the view files displaying the custom address fields to dynamically load the sub states for the address_city field. So it's possible but not easy.