1. As I said :
The USPS shipping plugin algorithm automatically "group" your products together into packages based on the USPS package's size/weight restriction.
Which means that instead of telling to the USPS shipping platform that you'll send 1 product per package which will have your product weight and dimensions, it's :
- Dynamically grouping your product into "packages" before USPS size/weight limits are reached
- telling to the USPS platform that you'll send X package(s) with potentially multiple products in it.
That algorithm will prevent your customers from having high rates which were the case with previous versions of the USPS shipping plugin.
2. That person probably told you to not use the "Price" option through your USPS shipping configuration page which is what you did.
3. I'm suggesting you to add that code so that the USPS can work as you want, it will only tell to the USPS platform that you'll send 1 product per package and they'll return rates according to it.