I found the error in the shipping plugin...
in plugins/hikashopshipping/fedex/fedex.php, line 26 uses
array('key'=>9,'code' => 'FEDEX_INTERNATIONAL_GROUND', 'name' => 'FedEx International Ground'),
However, according to the Fedex Web services documentation, the possible shipping methods/names are:
Therefore, line 26 of the fedex.php file should either be removed or change to:
array('key'=>9,'code' => 'FEDEX_GROUND', 'name' => 'FedEx International Ground'),
I'm not sure what the best method is, but after changing it to FEDEX_Ground, the Fedex Ground display with proper rates to countries outside of the US. Maybe you know of a better way to fix it? Also noticed that it still shows "Fedex Ground" on the frontend in checkout, instead of Fedex International Ground.