There isn't already such shipping method available. That would require the development of such plugin.
You would need first to check with them. Maybe they build the integrations themselves. If not, they should be able to provide you with the technical documentation to develop such plugin. Then, you can check with PHP developers to develop the plugin.
Regarding the pickup selection, I can propose this:
You can configure 100 shipping methods of that shipping plugin, each one with the address of the corresponding pickup point and the radius you want to allow (for example, 50km).
Then, on the checkout, only the shipping methods with their address within the 50km radius of the shipping address of the customer would appear on the checkout shipping method selector.
And if you want to have a dropdown for the shipping method selector you can change that in the settings of the "shipping" view in the checkout workflow editor under the Checkout tab of the HikaShop configuration page.