I suppose that to configure the shipping cost per product, you've created one manual shipping method and activated its "shipping price per product" setting.
And then, in each product, under the "shipping prices" section, you've added an entry for that shipping method with the cost of shipping for that particular product.
In there, you have 3 inputs:
- Min Qty, for the minimum quantity of that product for the shipping cost to be taken into account
- Price, the shipping cost of each item of the product in the cart ( so quantity of the product in the cart will be multiplied by that value to calculate the total shipping cost )
- Fee, the global shipping cost for that product, regardless of the quantity in the cart
So, either you configure an entry with no price and a fee if you want the shipping cost to be the same regardless of the quantity of the product in the cart, or you configure several entries, with different Min Qty and different Fee if you want to have several fixed shipping costs based on the quantity in the cart.
I would recommend going through the tutorial on shipping price per product that we have here:
It explains this and more.