Thank you for your feedback.
I don't think that the problem is with the instant capture setting, but that it is with the API mode you're using.
If you're using the AIM mode, then the order is directly confirmed at the creation of the order and thus the order status isn't changed to confirmed as an update but directly set at the creation of the order.
And looking at the code of the TaxCloud plugin, that's indeed not taken into account.
But I can't see how this could happen with the PayPal plugin since it cannot create orders already confirmed at the creation. So I suppose that this is not related.
To fix that, try adding the code:
//for newly CONFIRMED ORDERS, call to AuthorizedWithCaptured
//getting the confirmed/cancelled statuses
$config =& hikashop_config();
$confirmed_statuses = explode(',', trim($config->get('invoice_order_statuses','confirmed,shipped'), ','));
$confirmed_statuses = array('confirmed','shipped');
if(in_array($order->order_status,$confirmed_statuses) && !in_array($order->old->order_status,$confirmed_statuses)){//if the actual status is confirmed and the old status wasn't confirmed
after the code:
in the file plugins/hikashop/taxcloud/taxcloud.php