Thanks Xavier,
I had hoped for a less invasive way (I guess i have to change it again after installing an update).
Or is it possible, to include this option in the next version? In my opinion, the changes are not so big.
Here is what I did:
added new line in administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/config/tmpl/features.php after line 157:
JHTML::_('select.option', 'date_desc', JText::_('DATE_DESC') )
added to language/en-GB/en-GB.com_hikashop.ini (and other language-files):
DATE_DESC="Date - reverse order"
changed line 89 in components/com_hikashop/views/vote/view.html.php from
} else if($vote_comment_sort == "date_desc"){
$order = ' ORDER BY `vote_date` DESC';
Did I miss anything?
(beside the fact that my code change will not work in combination with the option to sort comments by visitors. For this, additional changes would be necessary but i don't use this option.)