You would indeed have to remove the line:
hikashop_send_vote(rating, from);
from media/com_hikashop/js/vote.js
Make sure you clear your browser's cache when testing the change.
Also note that you'll have to redo the change after each update.
A cleaner solution would be to do a view override of vote / form via the menu Display>Views and overwrite the hikaVote.click method with the code from vote.js but without that line.
That way, you'll keep the modification after each update.
Something like that:
hikaVote.click = function(e) {
var t = this, d = document;
if (!e.target)
e.target = e.srcElement;
var rating = e.target.getAttribute('title').replace('', ''),
from = t.selectBox.getAttribute('id');
t.selectBox.value = rating;
// Send the id of the view which send the vote ( mini / form )
var el = d.getElementById('hikashop_vote_rating_id');
if(el) el.value = rating;
t.cb(rating, from);