Yes and no. If you configured the "Choose which module you want to enable" setting of the HikaShop configuration to "Vote & Comment connected", the vote and comment have to be submitted by the user in the same form, which forces you to have them in the same area. That's why we have them in the same view.
Actually, if you want to display the vote elsewhere on the product page, and supposing that you set the "Choose which module you want to enable" setting to "vote only" or "vote & comment", then, a vote only area is displayed by default on the right side of the product page, with the code:
<!-- VOTE -->
<div id="hikashop_product_vote_mini" class="hikashop_product_vote_mini"><?php
if($this->params->get('show_vote_product')) {
$js = '';
$this->params->set('vote_type', 'product');
$this->params->set('vote_ref_id', isset($this->element->main) ? (int)$this->element->main->product_id : (int)$this->element->product_id );
echo hikashop_getLayout('vote', 'mini', $this->params, $js);
<!-- EO VOTE -->
As you can see, it uses the vote / mini.php view file as it only contains the vote form.
And this can be moved anywhere in the show_default product page layout view file with the drag & drop editor.