There is no option for that.
As you can have quantity for products in wishlists, clicking several times on the wishlist button will increase the quantity of the product in the wishlist.
Now you could add such class with a bit of customization on the view file displaying the wishlist button.
You can activate the "Display view files" setting of the HikaShop configuration to know which view file is used there.
Then, in the view, you can load the cart and loop through the products in it to see if one match with the current product. It should be some simple code like that:
$cartClass = hikashop_get('class.cart');
$cart_id = $cartClass->getCurrentCartId('cart');
$cart = $cartClass->getFullCart($cart_id);
foreach($cart->products as $product) {
if($product->product_id == $this->row->product_id) {
echo 'product already in the cart';
To do the same for the wishlist instead of the cart, just replace 'cart' by 'wishlist' in the getCurrentCartId function call.