For the real world example, it is quite simple.
I made this feature for myself, as a pure egocentric 
We use HikaMarket (and HikaShop, for sure) in this website to sold our components.
When we made the bill each month, I had to make manually another order which count the number of licences for each products (and renewals, etc).
So, instead of doing it each month, I preferred adding this feature directly in HikaMarket ; to get the list of the products sold in the month.
And because I added it directly in the component, I put a line in the changelog because it's a new feature.
I understand that it's not very clear and maybe not useful for some people, but it is very useful for me and will help us for our accounting.
About the "when you pay a vendor" ; I mean "when you use the button "pay" in the vendor page".
This button is use to generated an order or invoice, depending the fee mode you are using. But the presentation does not depend on the fee mode, it is just what elements you will put as "products" in.
It can be "vendor orders" (like it was for the previous HikaMarket version) or now "vendor products" (like it is useful for me).
Sorry for my ego-centrism 