thanks a lot.
1- Yes I need that because after publishing the product vendor can edit product anytime and may be doing some thing that not in our website terms, So we need to approve again when the vendor makes any changes to the product! (in advance it is good to add settings that which changes make the product for approving again, for example, we do not need to review price changes but descriptions is important to be reviewed again for approving product)
I need to approve the product again after editing, But you mean the product will become "unpublished", it's not good because administrators may miss the unpublished product, But if it needs to approve again, we can see unapproved products from hikamarket " Un approved products" menu back-end.
2- as you know, when we edit an order, we can add the reason for editing and it will be sent with email for vendor or customer,
I mean that when the product has a problem with terms or.. that we need to reject it, customers need to know why we had rejected their product! So if you add email notification for rejected or deleted products by administrators, problem will be solved 
it will help to vendors, Some times vendors create supporting ticket that why their product has been deleted?! Actually, it is their right
I have promised to m administrators and vendors that these problems will be solved please help me