MyMapsLocation and Hikamarket product and vendor page URLs

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7 years 1 week ago #288958

-- HikaShop version -- : 3.3.0
-- HikaMarket version -- : 2.0.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.8.5
-- PHP version -- : 7.1.0
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : CHROME
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : URL Hikamarket with Mymapslocation


Following this topic:
I try to get nice SEF urls from the product listing via the component MyMapsLocation of Joomunited.
Please don't hesitate to check the website (Url of the page with the problem), enter a place (whatever) then click Submit. You will see in the list, one product has a correct url (homemade/...) then the next one (hikashop/...), same for the vendor (component/hikamarket/... instead of /chef-profile/...).

Here is the response from the Joomunited support:
This is something you need to check with hikashop team.whatever suggestion they will give me i will implement those.
for there function the reference i used is following


geturllink function

if($item->component == "com_hikamarket") {
$url =hikashop_completeLink($furl);

Could you please share the references needed for both the product and the vendor page links ?


Last edit: 7 years 1 week ago by ChristopheMG. Reason: Just add code tags

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7 years 1 week ago #288959


I gave several times the required code to JoomUnited team so they can generate good SEF urls for vendor pages.
First time was in 2014 and last time was in an email on October 12 2017.
It's very sad that they do not use the code I gave them, many times.

Unfortunately I only provide support for my own components.
If the JoomUnited team wants to fix the SEF issue, they can use the code I already gave them.
But I will stop repeating myself again and again. They got the solution for more than 3 years now ; rest is not up to me !


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 1 week ago #289050

hi Jerome
I am the developer of my map location working with this client,I am so thankful for your reply.the code i use is following

                 require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_hikashop/helpers/helper.php';
                 $config =@hikashop::config();
                 $menusClass = hikashop_get('class.menus');
                 $menu_id = $menusClass->getPublicMenuItemId();
                $url =hikashop_completeLink($furl);
still he is getting issue with this there any enhancement thay i need to do so i can generate the url properly?

Last edit: 7 years 1 week ago by

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7 years 1 week ago #289051


Please see the response from Joomunited just above,

Otherwise, I don't think it's related to mymapslocation... Could you please at least take a look on the vendor page "chef-profile/vendor/show/70-kimberly"? Even here the URLs for the products are wrong (without "homemade", from the HikaShop default menu > HikaShop » Products listing) and the products with the correct URL in the list on the home page (mymapslocation) are not there.

By the way, is it possible to remove the "vendor/show/" ?


Last edit: 7 years 1 week ago by ChristopheMG. Reason: Response same time than Joomunited.

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7 years 1 week ago #289052

Here a message send by Nicolas on 16/10/2017 :

Duplicate URL issues is not something you'll be able to fix with that or with your module. At least not completely.
You get duplicate URLs because the users are able to access to the same product from different modules/menu items.
The main solution to fix that is for the merchant to enter a canonical URL in their products in order to define the main URL to use for the product page.

If you then use hikashop_contentLink to generate your URL, it will automatically pickup the canonical URL to use that link if the "force canonical URL on listing" option of HikaShop is activated. But that won't help with duplicate content SEO errors. Just having a canonical URL in the product is enough. It will just make the module more consistent with how HikaShop works.

Also, regarding the menu id you can use in the URL that you give to the hikashop_contentLink function, the best is to get the id of main menu item of the shop. However, you can't guess it with code. That's why HikaShop modules and plugins which need to generate product page links have a "menu"/"menu item"/"item id" option where the merchant can select/enter the id of a menu item so that he can say which ones he want the module/plugin to use. That can help with duplicate content errors, but it's not an complete solution since it's still possible to have duplicate URLs with different menu items pointing to the same product page. The best is to set a canonical URL in the products.

Now regarding the getPublicMenuItemId function, it's a function which will return the id of a random menu item of HikaShop on your website. It's useful when your merchant didn't configure the "menu"/"menu item"/"item id" setting of your module, so that you can still generate a valid URL, which won't end in a 404 error, but that won't help for duplicate content errors and duplicate URLs.
Also instead of @hikashop::config(); you should use hikashop_config();

Please note that the question is related to HikaShop and not HikaMarket.

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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7 years 1 week ago #289085

canonical URL is not something I would like to use except if it could be automatic and hidden from the vendors? I don't really want to add another field and the vendors to think about it...

Here is what I used as modules/menu items:
Shop (Alias: homemade)
HikaShop » Products listing
Chef Profile (Alias: chef-profile)
HikaMarket » Vendors listing

HikaShop Content Module
Used in the vendors listing above to display vendor products

I created the topic here since their is something wrong with the vendors listing as well, but from the listing in MyMapsLocation.

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7 years 1 week ago #289101


I created the topic here since their is something wrong with the vendors listing as well, but from the listing in MyMapsLocation.

Yes ; but the question beneath are unfortunately related to HikaShop products and not HikaMarket vendor links.

Just look at your first message and the link within :
Does a link starting with "product" could be a vendor link ?

Yes, MyMaps have issues with the generation of product AND vendor links since several years and we already gave code and indication to solve that issue.

And if you look for code in order to generate well formed vendor links, you can find several in our forum (and a lot more in the HikaMarket code, for sure) :

Now, since the issue is related to MayMaps and we already gave the answer almost three years ago (and we repeated ourselves again and again) ; I will consider that issue closed in our side (at it should be three years ago).
And I really hope that this time the modifications that we recommend will be integrated.


Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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7 years 2 days ago #289395

Hi team,
When I click on tag page this the tag page of joomla
there i can see the same list of if i click on sphagetti the link are generating properly while when I click on Summer Squash Pad Thai same component/hikashop appear.Please check the screenshot attached.
Even if i click on
and there if i click on product it is showing same behavior.can you please check those.

For hikamarket related stuffs this is all about getting vendor menu id vendor_menu_id.
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_hikamarket/helpers/helper.php';
$config = hikamarket::config();
$url_itemid = (int)$config->get('edition_default_menu', 0);
This itemid is returning 0 and thats why issue is coming.
I have fixed this issue at my end by inserting chef id in it.

Last edit: 7 years 2 days ago by

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7 years 2 days ago #289403


For HikaShop related stuff, you have to use the HikaSection section of the forum.

Now regarding HikaMarket.

$url_itemid = (int)$config->get('edition_default_menu', 0);
Seriously, where did you get that line of code ?

If you're trying to get the wrong configuration setting, you won't retrieve any useful data.
But if you read correctly the links I gave you in my emails and in my previous message, you will see the code that you have to use.

Do you need that I re-paste that code here ?

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
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7 years 2 days ago #289495

I am extremely sorry for To much confusion
I thought the issue is related with hikahop product url showing component/com_hikashop but it’s more related with hikamarket vendor url.
The code I am giving you is for generating url for product link and not vendor link.
I have marked all the link and in next version I tried to add the code you suggested.
Please help him to generate the sef url on hikashop product link so I can cross check my code with that.
Please close this ticket for now.

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7 years 1 day ago #289497


1 - For HikaShop questions you MUST use the HikaShop section of the forum.
You're here in the HikaMarket section of the forum where I provide support for HikaMarket and HikaMarket only !
If you take a look at my previous message, you will read easily :

Please note that the question is related to HikaShop and not HikaMarket.

and more precisely :

For HikaShop related stuff, you have to use the HikaSection section of the forum.

2 - If you take a look at previous message, you will also see that I re-post the message that Nicolas send you some time ago.
Message which already contains the solution.
Once again, I do have the feeling that I write and I'm not read.

If you then use hikashop_contentLink to generate your URL, it will automatically pickup the canonical URL to use that link if the "force canonical URL on listing" option of HikaShop is activated. But that won't help with duplicate content SEO errors. Just having a canonical URL in the product is enough. It will just make the module more consistent with how HikaShop works.


And if you want to know more about that, I invite you to create a new thread in the HikaShop section for the forum since you're question is related to HikaShop and not HikaMarket.

Jerome -
HikaMarket & HikaSerial developer / HikaShop core dev team.

Also helping the HikaShop support team when having some time or couldn't sleep.
By the way, do not send me private message, use the "contact us" form instead.

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7 years 1 day ago #289554

Thanks to both of you,

To Joomunited support: please let me know if you want me to create a new topic and to transfer most important info about the product url / sef urls (itemid related...).

At least the vendor (somewhate hikamarket related) sef url works now.


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