1. Some of our customers buy product through financing and pay a small amount every month.
To begin with it would be nice if there was a possibility to punch in a monthly payment price for a product. This monthly payment plan should be placed under the Cash price.
2. Product description with multiple options.
a. Main product page short description and pricing info
b. Option to choose longer description
c. Option to see product technical specification
d. Warranty & Support information
e. Payment plans
3. Better checkout.
At the moment you have to put in buyer’s information then press register.
Then you have to choose Payment and wait for system to register your choice.
Then you have to choose shipping, where again you have to wait for system to register your choice.
If the buyer is to quick and servers don’t answer fast enough this creates a problem.
It would be better to have all three instances processed in one action.
The register button should be moved to the bottom of the checkout page and be the only step that takes you to the payment page.
4. Product images.
I like the option to have more than one image, this is a good feature.
I am missing a gallery function when image is enlarged. It should be possible to change image, when enlarged. Some kind of next and previous button.
At the moment the visitor needs to close the enlarged image to see the next.
Great job on this product we are getting more fund of it every day.