Right, I've setup a test site with Joomla 2.5, Hikashop, Hikashop/Akeeba plug and Akeeba subs. Everything is working fine, except no recurring payments. I'm really hopeful for recurring payments for paypal standard or pro.
My site is a Moodle/Joomla/Joomdle integration. I would estimate that quite a few of us with this integration would be interested in a Hikashop solution for recurring payments.
At the moment, I'm using Tienda .9
It's not very stable, goofy sometimes- the support forum and paid support is really REALLY bad.
I'm sure if you were to get the akeeba subs integration with recurring payments sorted out, Hikashop would own that market niche.
You guys have the better eCommerce business solution and support model, keep it up!