Thx Nicolas.
I don't use either for translation but rather the native translation capabilities of Joomla, but your post made me do the following - very ugly - hack in step.php
$lang_bnt =& JFactory::getLanguage();
$locales_bnt = $lang_bnt->getLocale();
// echo $locales_bnt[0];
if ( $locales_bnt[0] == 'nl_NL.utf-8' ) {
echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('CONTINUE_SHOPPING'),'continue_shopping',$this->params,JRoute::_( '/nl/bestellen' ),'window.location=\''.'\';return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_shopping_button"');
if ( $locales_bnt[0] == 'fr_FR.utf8' ) {
echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('CONTINUE_SHOPPING'),'continue_shopping',$this->params,JRoute::_( '/fr/commander' ),'window.location=\''.'\';return false;','id="hikashop_checkout_shopping_button"');
I do realize this will be possibly erased by an upgrade, but it for now it works;
Cheers again,