Needing to revive this old thread ....
I'm using HS Business 2.3.2.
I've made the change to the /administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php file as indicated here in this thread.
Here is the code that I inserted:
$order->mail->subject = '';
if(empty($order->mail->subject)) {
$order->mail->subject = JText::sprintf('NEW_ORDER_SUBJECT',$order->order_number,'HIKASHOP_LIVE');
However, when the emails are sent, the subject line is being sent like this:
New order No. 03390 created on HIKASHOP_LIVE
I have added 'HIKASHOP_LIVE' to the lanugage overrides area of Joomla, but it isn't being 'translated' (although 'NEW_ORDER_SUBJECT' IS).
Any ideas why this isn't working?