As I found some limits in the filter philosophy I managed to build a little hack to create a "Clear all filter settings at once" button so for my 5 filter setup I don'thave to "kill" five times to go back to a global product list.
However something strange is happening and probably you can illuminate me:
I have a 5 filtter module, 4 are lists, 1 is text box.
If i create code to kill the four list filters at once it works no matter only one list filter was active.
If I create a button that kills 4 list filters plus text box it only works when the text box has something inside, lets say when the filter can be killed.
This is the simple code I created for 4 list filter reseting button (and works always)
<span class="hikashop_filter_button_outside" style="float:right">
<a class="hikashop_cart_button_cancel" id="hikashop_filter_button_module_111" onclick="document.getElementById('filter_Mastil_module_111').value=''; document.getElementById('filter_Marca_module_111').value=''; document.getElementById('filter_Tipo_module_111').value=''; document.getElementById('filter_Carga_module_111').value=''; document.forms['hikashop_filter_form_module_111'].submit(); return false;" href="../../catalogo-de-carretillas" >Anular búsqueda</a></span>
And then if add this piece for 4 lists + text box reseting at once (it will only work when text box is not empty)document.getElementById('filter_Buscar_por_texto_module_111').value='';
I think maybe a text box should be killed in a different way, this is the one I observed in the HTML code anyhow...
I can confirm the code has been working for weeks perfectly when I only had to kill the list filters and the limitation only started when I had to add the text box to the Reset button
This problem is only happening in the main category which is displayed through a Menu. When entering subcategories the reseting works fine without the need to fill the text box.