nicolas wrote: It means that it needs to be of the type "hikashop categories listing" (not a joomla article menu for example), and that the hikashop options of the menu are properly setup so that if you access it, you see your categories and when you click on your categories, you see your products. Otherwise, if the menu is not configured properly and that you try to use it for a module, of course, the links of the module will point to a page which won't display what you want.
The simplest is the use the HikaShop categories listing menu item which is created by default by HikaShop when you install it under the Hikashop default menus menu.
still confused. the fact is when I point that menu to a joomla article menu, it works properly(the links of the module points to the right page). however, if it is pointed to some "hikashop hidden menus" the module doesn't work properly, which is exactly opposite to what you said.
where is the hikashop categories listing menu item? how to create it, where and what do i need to install? what and where is hikashop default menus menu?