I am in the same boat and am trying to use the GlobalGateway E4. This was also my reason why I bought HikaShop Business.
Now looking thought the FirstData payment pluing, which requires Store ID, API password and PEM, KEY files and password I cannot find anything related to that in The FirstData terminal.
Talking to the customer support only resulted in them saying, that sounds like a legacy/old plugin.
All I have in the Glogbal Gateway E4 Terminal is the
Terminal ID,
Gateway ID,
Division ID,
Transarmor Token and
a password.
There is a API section that shows me:
Key ID
HMAC Key password and various empty content fields.
FirstData is used with Bank of America, which is the biggest bank in the US, which is what my clients are using. Please help!
PS: I also looked at using the Authorize plugin, but that has even more different configuration fields that I dont see in FirstData...